Friday, November 12, 2010

on the water

Our boat has finally met water ..
after pulling it hundreds of miles from Utah to Texas
and now to Ohio she has finally been on water
Lizzy's first ride in the boat

The old boat ran very well .. in fact after we figured out a few things she ran beautifully

as you can see Matt is paddling ..
we were so nervous to get the engine caught in the brush underwater so we would paddle out to where we thought it was deep enough before starting her up ..
oh and the boat filled up with water cuz we are fools
and forgot to plug the draining hole !!
It was an adventure to say the least .. we learned alot

Thanks to some sweet connections we have here..
we got to take our boat out on a private lake
it was peaceful and such a wonderfully warm day
couldn't have asked for better conditions..
chelle's first time ever driving a boat !!

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