Monday, September 28, 2009


it was time again to get out of the city ... so to Midway we went

this is why i love the fall

"lil swiss of utah "they call it ... the town is so charming alot of which is swiss inspired

(psst... Mom you would love it here )

we had the company of Tim & Jen which always makes for a good time ... i loved the spontaneous trip it was .. with lil to no planning . I must say i was hoping it would have been cooler and had more fall like atmosphere i guess i jumped the gun a lil too soon, either way i thought it was fun

alot of the homes looked very similar and most of them where for sale... Midway was founded in 1891 so i think this home was built in 1877 it was one of the many Bonner homes back in the day .. anyway gorgeous lil homes

had to of coarse take some artsy photos by old barns and lil sheds ..we are in utah

this picture below is taken on the side of the huge Midway Community Center where they have many events for the Swiss Days ..

how appropriate Matt and Tim bonding with a jackass ... ha ha
this animal seemed very old very lonely and wanted our company he followed us as we walked down main street to the end of his graz'n field , mean while lizzy was not sure what to think of him, she was a lil spooked