Oh my... I'm out of words !!
words can't express the weekend I had.
I've tried using words like ...remarkable, inspiring, exciting,uplifting,delightful and refreshing but... they don't give it justice !
I was fortunate enough to have Jennifer join me on the trip up north and was able to have dinner with my gals (chantel jen and me) at Cheesecake Factory mmm.. our friendship has meant literally everything to me as of late, I have been truely blessed to have the choicest friends anyone could've ask for.
I totally made a list of all the things I wanted to do on the trip
- Park cafe breakfast
-The dodo
-Charlie Chows
-Este pizza
-Happy sumo
-Tasty Thai
- Pibs exchange
-American apparel
- Temple
Just to name a few haha ...
It all turned out better than I expected though. Instead of the Park Cafe we had Kneaders all you can eat french toast (which I will say is like food heroin in your mouth !) Happy Sumo funky roll and thai peanut stir fry is simply divine. Este pizza garlic knobs (knots) you just can't beat it !!
My sister inlaw Dallas was my bossom buddy all weekend long .. We shopped at pibs exchange and got sweet deals and strolled around downtown and took pictures !!
She embodies true kindess and sincerity !! oh how I love her ...she's talented, beyond creative and the most wonderful mother to the most gorgeous lil boy
to ever grace this earth...baby G (I dare say hehe)
She has such a passion for photography and I was so excited she wanted to have a photoshoot with me ! -here are just (some) of the beautiful photos she captured..
- Conference was literally all for me.. every word spoken was to me (period)
my soul was deeply and profoundly touched, my heart was about to burst out of my chest and I wished it never would end !
I would love to share all my notes and thoughts I had but ... I'll admit my note take'n skills are a lil messy ..it works for me but you'd all look at it and think to yourselves ... "what the ??" so I'll spare you the trouble in just saying that it was a miracle for me to have been there !!
oh and ... thank you Olsen family for treating me to the best brunch buffet I've ever had between conference sessions !!
such a blessed weekend I will never forget !!
what i was able to tune into between chasing, feeding, calming a spaz child.. I too enjoyed conference! Im glad you were able to go and feel the spirit as strong as you did!!
you my dear are to sweet for words, this weekend was just what i was needing you! i t only makes me sad that you have been gone for 2 years! i love you, just as you are please dont change a thing! xoxo
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