Steve was so... so kind to take a few photos of me for resume purposesMatt was stand in for lighting set up.. but I thought they turned out pretty sweet ..
If you wanna check out more of Steven Walters work... look to the side where i have "things i love " and you'll see a link to his website.. it's amazing !!
1 comment:
I suppose I've been a little emotional lately. No one is to say why, I'm CERTAINLY NOT prego, so don't even think of accusing.. But things just touch my heart.. and today it was Matt. Ya, your Matt (in a not creepy way)
Reason he thinks he's the luckiest man alive...
-Michelle loves me through thick and thin .. so far. She always tells me she loves me. She wants to be with me !! she confides in me and doesn't judge me.
Is it weird to be so emotionally invested in my friends? Well, my friends are something I care deeply about, therefore it only makes sense that I feel so much joy when they are loved. I want all of my friends to be happy.
And though I'm sure they will all experience their thick and thin, just as I do, I hope that they are always loved, because my friends are the best of the best, the top of the picking, and they deserve nothing less.
So thanks Matt, for touching my emotional heart today. I love you Michelle! And although I don't see you much right now, I will miss you SO much when you move. It's hurting my heart already.
Sorry this comment turned so long and so touch, not normally my style... or maybe it is. Who freakin' cares! I'm expressing myself! Ha!
I just ended a very sweet and touching comment with freakin'. Leave it to me.
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