It's my lovers birthday today !
27yrs old today at precisly 8:05 this morning aww...
1.matt hiccup's after almost every meal 2.loves watermelon
3.working with his hands music
5. sleeps with a pillow over his head 6.hates when people don't use their signal
7.evening showers before bed 8.eggs with apple sauce 9.lizzy boo
10.detailing anything
11.marshmallows 12.carob cake
13.summer 14.dp skinny time
16.soggy cereal 17.hates fish 18.hates being tickeled
19.loves ice cream and a movie 20.loves driving tools
22.likes fitted clothes but can never find any
24.picking peaches or apples at the farm
25.gets emotional during primary programs 26.drops everything to help others
27.and he's all mine !!
1 comment:
how cute is that!
happy birthday, matt!
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