Tuesday, October 26, 2010

something old & something new

ya ya this isn't anything new to alot of you ...
but it's a new toy to me and I love it
so be prepared to see alot more of this from me

Monday, October 18, 2010

2 yrs

yup, 2 years ago today we were sealed for time and all eternity !!

1. everything just fell perfectly into place (unexpectedly & unexplainably )

2.then we got married and it's been a crazy adventure ever since

happy 2nd anniversary boo

Sunday, October 17, 2010

'dem apples

drive to Pennsylvania to press 'dem apples, gotta be Sally's press cuz she's the best..
& make'm into sweet cider
see the apples before the press'n ..

then you gotta ...

load' dem apples

wash' d apples

mush'd apples

watch' de juices flow

and fill 'er up all 115 gallons of it !!
& drive'em back home ..with a belly full of cider ..

sell' m and freeze em to have all year round mmmm

Friday, October 15, 2010

beaver creek

Sunday afternoon wasn't lacking any glorious sun rays .. so we had to spend time outside
we took a lil trip to Beaver Creek & saw some historical mills and things, along with a lil swinging & strolls. This is what I was able to capture of our lovely afternoon together

reaping the harvest

The moment we got to Ohio we have had so much to do
& gathering all the fall goodies has been much of the time consumer.
Its been a wonderful thing to spend our days out harvesting,
and realizing how blessed we are !

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

birthday boo

It's my lovers birthday today !
27yrs old today at precisly 8:05 this morning aww...

1.matt hiccup's after almost every meal 2.loves watermelon
3.working with his hands 4.country music
5. sleeps with a pillow over his head 6.hates when people don't use their signal
7.evening showers before bed 8.eggs with apple sauce 9.lizzy boo
10.detailing anything
11.marshmallows 12.carob cake
13.summer 14.dp skinny 15.family time
16.soggy cereal 17.hates fish 18.hates being tickeled
19.loves ice cream and a movie 20.loves driving
21.new tools
22.likes fitted clothes but can never find any 23.cologne
24.picking peaches or apples at the farm
25.gets emotional during primary programs 26.drops everything to help others
27.and he's all mine !!

oh october

Fall is my most favorite time of the year,
the smell of spice candles and carmel apples
along with the bright array of rich colors mmm.
It was time to get my, oh October on !
carving pumkins with the fam, picking apples
and pulling out the thick sweaters and scarves
oh how I love October !
Let us all bask in falls beauty ...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

da rangers

We were given a great deal on some Ranger tickets the other night and we couldn't resist, so we endulged in ...
Hot dogs of course it completes the entire experience for me !!
I especially love it when the entire crowd stands and sings, Take Me Out To The Ball Game !! It makes me wanna go back to the early years of baseball when it seemed to be so much more than just a ball game .. On our way there Matthew helped this young lady with her tire that blew out on the highway, as he was changing out her tires I couldn't help but capture how pretty the sky was behind me with it's last lil bit of sun light for that day