have you seen these stamps floating around...
we'll they caught my eye the other day and it got me thinking ....
yes.. thinking scary huh !!
these lovely stamps came out recently being Valentines and all, i assume ... i instantly thought, why do we give into these silly made up holidays ??
I believe we should appreciate our loved ones everyday, cliche I know ... but i'm serious.
We should also appreciate the men and women we once loved or thought we loved .... I know I am so grateful and appreciative of every guy I shared sweet time with ...really we learn how to love, what love is and what love isn't from all those experiences ....
I really began to reflect and ponder from just looking at this silly picture on the
stamp ...
I thought how are we sending love each day ?
How do i send love to others so they will be reseptive of it ?
Who writes letters anymore??
How often do we use a stamp in efforts to reach out to a loved one ??..
From this stamp I also thought how a letter gives a more intimate, personal touch than just an e-mail or text ...which we could use more of that in this techno generated world of ours!
anyways thought i would share some of me ... crazy thoughts
Happy Valentines ...
but my real hope is we can all appreciate love..
more often than just this one day !!