Wednesday, March 20, 2013


party & photoshoots for Halloween 

hell' O decor

Love me some Halloween here is just a sample of Pebbles & Twigs decor 

empty chairs

Pebbles & Twigs had a plethora of consigned antique chairs come into the store so Stephanie and I were inspired to create an art installation with them. These chairs were suspended entirely by fishing line and a feeble handful of nails. For the month of September this is what greeted our fellow State Street walkers and our wildly interesting friends (bums) in our front window. Small ..  it may have been but we sold every chair and we were sorry to see our creation slowly dwindle. I treasure every moment creating this with my dearest friend Stephanie.

Fashion Night Out

High Life had the pleasure of styling models for MISC's vintage/retro line this year .. what a match we made a bit of throw back use of a vintage dryer, cat eye makeup and sleek yet frazzled locks. aka sex hair. Kept it simple and classic just what I like.