It's hot hot hot here .. and i mean hot !!
Its been over 105 degrees more than 20 days in a row i swear
I should've heeded the warnings from others when they'd said it gets hot here !!
I don't even want to go to the pool its so hot, but thank goodness we have had a little bit
of a cool down now ...phew
It's been such a transition moving here .. Matt and I have learned a lot here so far
We are in the nursery at church ... and we LOVE it ! we have such a good group of kids.
I honestly look forward to seeing them every Sunday .. They learn and grow so fast its amazing
oh an Matthew COLORED my hair !! yup, I coached him of course but yeah he foiled/ highlighted my hair .. loved it
he did such a good job too .. for his first time
I became an Aunt again to Jeff and Erika's new baby girl, her name is Emma. I still have yet to meet here but she looks gorgeous in pictures.
We'll there ya go a lil update of things here in Texas