Saturday, November 26, 2011

fields & flow

This alfalfa playground shaped the women that I am today. I've been cultivated, broken up, stripped of my rocks and boulders just as this field has. The earth of who I am has been leveled and plowed.
I've been supplied my drink by the farmers irrigation flow at times it's steady other times it's slow. This spread of alfalfa I stand upon is a testimony to me that I am of the same blood that tamed this earth and made it be. I watched the most powerful man I know shift this fields water flow to best support and supply what it needed for necessary growth.
In my life now I focus more vividly upon the days that I witnessed him shut gates and closed off parts of the waters flow. Always with a purpose though... to redirect the water to other parts of my field that thirsted for that farmers irrigation flow.
This is not just a farm ..